
Rough Notes X4

This is a false premise. To explain, firstly, the sources of Islam include not just the Qurโ€™an, but also the Tafaseer (exegetical commentaries) to connect the contexts of the Qurโ€™an and secondarily, the Sunnah (tradition), derived from the Ahadees (reports of sayings and ways of Mohammed and the Sahabah) and Siyar (biographies of Mohammed).

Iโ€™ll first explain it from the Ahadees and the Qurโ€™an, and then from the Tafaseer. Then finally Iโ€™ll explain the context in which this war happened, to explain the principles of Mohammed.


  1. From the Ahadees

Itโ€™s mentioned in the Ahadees of Ahl as-Sunnah waโ€™l-Jamaโ€™ah (graded Saheeh) that Mohammed made sure all treaties with polytheists except those who had โ€œfinite-term treatiesโ€ were nulled forever. This is also in line with Surah at-Tawbah / al-Baraโ€™ah Ayah 4, because it said โ€œhonour your treaty until the end of its termโ€. This can be inferred to mean that valid treaties under Islam have fixed terms. From the Ayah 1 of the Surah, we know that a discharge from obligations had been given towards all Mushrikeen, and that was definitely means war would be declared against those who violated the treaty and those who did not have treaties (regardless of whether they attacked them or not). As for what happens to treaties that were indefinite, but did not violate the conditions, it could only be inferred from the Ahadees and Tafaseer. Additionally, Mohammed also said that no one will be allowed to perform the Tawaf (circumbabulation at the Kaโ€™aba) naked, which had nothing to do with whether people violated treaties with him or not. Basically, Mohammed claimed that the Kaโ€™aba belonged to Allah, and not to the Mushrikeen who had managed it for years.

These are the Ahadees (Arabic reference scheme; all graded by Hafiz/Sheik Zubair 'Ali Za'i and published by Darussalam Publications):

Revelation of the Discharge from Obligations towards Mushrikeen โ€˜Including Reduction of Indefinite Term Treaties to Four Monthsโ€™ and Eternal Ban on Mushrikeen Performing Hajj and Anyone Performing the Tawaf Naked:

  • Jami' at-Tirmidhi 3092 (grade: Saheeh) (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3091 had a Daโ€™eef Sanad)
  • Jami' at-Tirmidhi 871 (grade: Saheeh)

Revelation of the Discharge from Obligations towards Mushrikeen and Eternal Ban on Mushrikeen Performing Hajj and Anyone Performing the Tawaf Naked:

  • Saheeh al-Bukhari 369

Eternal Ban on Mushrikeen Performing Hajj and Anyone Performing the Tawaf Naked:

  • Sunan an-Nasa'i 2957 (grade: Saheeh)
  • Saheeh al-Bukhari 1622
  • Saheeh al-Bukhari 4363
  • Saheeh al-Bukhari 4655
  • Saheeh al-Bukhari 4656
  • Saheeh al-Bukhari 4657
  • Musnad Ahmad 594 (grade: Saheeh)
  • Saheeh Muslim 1347


  1. From the Tafaseer

I will specifically look at the Tafseer of Imam Abu al-Fida Isma'eel ibn Umar ibn Katheer al-Dimashqi. Ibn Katheer was a classic scholar whose Tafseer is considered the best for ordinary people. His Tafseer is second in authenticity compared to the Tafseer of Imam Abu Jaสฟfar Muแธฅammad ibn Jareer ibn Yazeed al-แนฌabari, whose Tafseer is complicated, and for scholars to study.

About Ibn Katheer:

In general, Ibn Kathir followed a pattern in his tafsir. He would first mention an ayah or group of ayaat, and then provide a brief synopsis of their contents in easy-to-understand language. If possible, he would then mention a similar or related ayah which would itself provide an explanation of the ayah under discussion, and this is a hallmark of his work. He would then mention any relevant ahaadeeth, along with notes on their authenticity and narrators as needed. He would then list the statements of the Sahabah, Tabiโ€™oon and the scholars of the salaf who followed them. After mentioning the different opinions, he would regularly provide his own statement as to the most correct opinion. Ibn Kathir would often attempt to reconcile any differences of interpretations if possible.

He was salafi in โ€˜aqeedah, which is not surprising given that he was a student of ibn Taymiyah. He affirmed Allahโ€™s names and attributes without any distortion or false interpretations.

He would mention the full chains of narration for the ahaadeeth he included. In most cases he would comment on their authenticity or lack thereof, and he would also make remarks about certain narrators in the chain. Unlike ibn Jareer, he would generally not include the full chains of narration for statements of the Sahabah or Taabiโ€™oon. He was an expert in the sciences of al-hadeeth, as is apparent throughout the text.

He was a Salafist, and a student of Ibn Taymiyyah, but nevertheless, his Tafsir is considered exemplary and is valid according to all scholars. Imam Jalaluddin al-Suyuti said regarding his Tafseer that: โ€œNothing like it has ever been written.โ€ I specifically chose his Tafseer, because it was the most authentic English version available in quran.com.

Letโ€™s look at what it states:

For Ayat 1โ€“2:

1. Mohammed just disliked Mushrikeen performing Hajj:

But he remembered that the idolators would still attend that Hajj, as was usual in past years, and that they perform Tawaf around the House while naked. He disliked to associate with them and sent Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, to lead Hajj that year and show the people their rituals, commanding him to inform the idolators that they would not be allowed to participate in Hajj after that season. He commanded him to proclaim Ayah 1 (discharge from obligations) to the people. When Abu Bakr had left, the Messenger ๏ทบ sent `Ali bin Abu Talib to be the one to deliver this news to the idolators on behalf of the Messenger ๏ทบ, for he was the Messenger's cousin. We will mention this story later.

2. Mohammed said Allah asked him to end all invalidated treaties, which โ€˜included indefinite term treatiesโ€™ to four months:

So travel freely (Mushrikin) for four months (as you will) throughout the land) 9:1-2. This Ayah refers to idolators who had indefinite treaties and those, whose treaties with Muslims ended in less than four months. The terms of these treaties were restricted to four months only.

For Ayah 3:

1. Mohammed declared the Baraโ€™ah (discharge from obligations towards all Mushrikeen โ€” justifying his right to do whatever he pleases, which meant conquering the land), and that no Mushrik or naked person will ever be allowed to perform Hajj after that year:

Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Hurayrah said, "Abu Bakr sent me during that Hajj with those dispatched on the day of Sacrifice to declare in Mina that no Mushrik will be allowed to attend Hajj after that year, nor will a naked person be allowed to perform Tawaf." Humayd said, "The Prophet then sent Ali bin Abi Talib and commanded him to announce Bara'ah." Abu Hurayrah said, "Ali publicized Bara'ah with us to the gathering in Mina on the day of Sacrifice, declaring that no Mushrik shall perform Hajj after that year, nor shall a naked person perform Tawaf around the House." Al-Bukhari also collected this Hadith the this narration of which, Abu Hurayrah said, "On the day of Nahr, Abu Bakr sent me along with other announcers to Mina to make a public announcement thatNo pagan is allowed to perform Hajj after this year, and no naked person is allowed to perform the Tawaf around the Kabah.' Abu Bakr was leading the people in that Hajj season, and in the year ofThe Farewell Hajj' when the Prophet performed Hajj, no Mushrik performed Hajj."'

2. Again, mentioning that only definite term treaties were valid:

So this was the declaration of innocence, whoever among the idolators had no treaty, then he had a treaty of peace for one year, if he had a particular treaty, then it was valid until its date of expiration."

For Ayah 4:

1. All indefinite term treaties were restricted to four (sacred) months and โ€˜the longest the fixed term treaties would extend were to their agreed upon termination dateโ€™ (meaning they cannot be renewed):

This is an exception regulating the longest extent of time for those who have a general treaty - with out time mentioned - to four months. They would have four months to travel the lands in search of sanctuary for themselves wherever they wish. Those whose treaty mentioned a specific limited term, then the longest it would extend was to the point of its agreed upon termination date. Hadiths in this regard preceeded.

For Ayah 5:

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